Eid ul fitr Festival of love and goodwill


eid-al-fitrEid-ul-Fitr is one of the biggest festivals of the Muslims. The word ‘Eid’ means happiness literary means breaking of fast. Therefore Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawaal, the tenth month in the Muslim calender, to mark the end of a month long fast during the month of Ramzan. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and with great fervour throughout the country.

It is believed that fasting in the month of ‘Ramzan’ purifies the soul and prayers after fasting save them from going to hell and open the doors of heaven. So during the month of `Ramzan’, they lead a pure and holy life. They observe fasts, offer regular prayers in the form of ‘Namaz’; read the holy Quran, feed the hungry and give alms to the poor. Charity is the greatest virtue to be practiced during the month of ‘Ramzan’. Fasting comes to end when the new moon of Eid is sighted.

21740297.cmsThe sight of the new moon of Eid is considered very pious and holy by the Muslims. It is a signal for the celebration of Eid the very next day.

On the Eid day muslim people get up early in the morning. They take a bath and put on their best dresses. They visit mosques and offer prayers in the form of “Namaz” .After prayers there will be a family get together. Sweets are distributed,
gifts are given and delicious dishes are prepared at home. Friends and relatives are invited to feasts. Elders give their ‘eidi’ (blessings) to the youngsters. They visit their relatives and friends and greet everyone with ‘Eid Mubarak’ (Happy Eid).

Even they send greeting card to each other. They embrace each other forgetting old grudges and ill-feelings.It is a festival of love and goodwill. It gives us a message to love all and hate

none. It teaches us to embrace all men as brothers. Separated lovers hope to meet

on this day. It exhorts us to bid good bye to hatred, jelousy and enmity and bring in era of love, sympothy and brotherhood. It is a great social and religious Muslim festival and the poor and needy are given money, food, clothes etc., in charity.Eid

is perhaps the only festival that lays great importance on sacrifice and purity of life. It teaches us the value of love, brotherhood and sympathy. The Muslims keep fast for a month so that their souls are purified.

A spirit of brotherhood prevails in every heart. There is no distinction between the rich and the poor on this day. All are equal. Muslims from all stage of life are seen happy on Eid.

BY: Nushrath Sajahan


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