Negombo Beach park is a danger place ??


beach park3JPGbeach park7PGThe only biggest existing park for the people in Negombo is Beach park which located in Eththukala area.
Under the local government law all the parks and the places of people’s entertainment should only  run by the local councils.
But this law is no longer exist or applicable  to Negombo .
Farther of a powerful politician is privileged to  run this Park against the Local government laws.
Now the issue at this park is safety of the people.
several death has been reported due to the under currents and the small holes located in the shallow water area in the beach.
The most recent victim of this risky place  was a 13 year boy from kalaniya who came on a trip with their neighbours .
According to the eye witness reports, this boy was playing with a kite,and fallen in to the sea,no one there to rescue this child,his dead body was found in the following morning.
There were many smiler tragic stories from this place yet the park runner never took an initiative to educate the people of the risk specially in this beach area or no rescue teams deployed as precautionary measures.
most of the reported death at this place was outsiders whom not known the situation here. It is very basic and important thing to educate the people the deadliness of this shallow beach.
when we contacted the Mayor of Negombo on this risky situation, he said that they only given the tender for the car park there fore the Negombo MC has no responsibility over the beach
our questions now is who then responsible for this deadly situation??how many more death that they need to control the situation,????



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