Police Thugs with iron bars in Chilaw protest ”’


The second commemoration of Antony Fernando , killed by sri lanka police took place in chilaw town on February 15. There was a special  commemoration to remeber th0se  who were  killed by the police in Puttalm district .during last 2 decades .
all were killed when they publicly opposed to certain governments projects in those areas .
Bennet was killed during the struggle against VOA in Iranawila year 1994 under Chandrika kumaranathunga Governement.
Somasriri farther of 2 childredn short dead while he was attending protest against caol power plant in Norochchoele.
Antony Fernadno and Jesu mariya kinglys were the recent victims of the this circle.Antony was burutally short dead during the fiheries struggle against the fuel hike where Jesu mariaya was seriously injerd leaving him as handicap.
due to the hardship of his family the 12 year old son has to go for fishing to look after the them
Jesu mariya couldnt able to bear this situation he committed suicide after few months later.
nationle united fisheries commitee orgnized a protest in chilaw city challenging the brutality of the regime.
. The protest was soo peacefull. But hundreds of police were deployed  by the police division of chilaw.During the  protest,protesters said that  there were  some unidentified people in their gathering and finally checked their ID cards where its revealed that they were from police.
3 men were holding iron bars were able to cath by the protesters. Then  demanded to arrenst them.yet senior police offiers didt want to arrest them.

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