SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM with Lions Club of Negombo Orient


maristella 1First payment of AU$ !000.00 was Donated for the Scholarship Program to Anton Dilip Ranjula through Lions Club of Neganbo Orient. Anton Studied at Maris Stella College Negombo. He is the eldest in the family. His father is a fisherman, working day to day with not much earnings to provide to his family with their every days needs. He has a younger sister. The family lives in a very small house with a room and a kitchen. He was awarded with the highest marks for A/L in maths and science in the Gampaha District and the 12th Ranked in Sri Lanka wide. He will be entering at Moratuwa University in October as an Engineering student. Guidance and Support from Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) Chandra Mangalore. Our club Lions Club of Dandenong City and Marysville Lions Club are planning to support this cause until he finishes his Engineering Degree course.


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