Tharakayano –



I was over joyed to hear that the great Ballet form Passion play will be staged this year too. It has taken a new form altogether to depict the Passion of Jesus in a form of a ballet. 

Christian liturgical celebrations correspond with various important events in the life of Jesus Christ. We have two liturgical seasons organized around the birth and death of Jesus- Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter. There is a rich Christian culture built up around these events and come down to us throughout many centuries in the past. We inherit today such rich Christian culture. Birth of Jesus, the Mystery of Incarnation is a joyful celebration and to depict this event there are various forms of art; Christmas Carols, Nativity Plays, Cribs, Christmas trees, Christmas Cards, Christmas Cake, Santa Claus and so on. However, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus occupy the central place of the Christian faith. Artists have paid tremendous amount of attention in bringing about the message of the Passion of Jesus and lamentations of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Passion plays, films, singing of dirges, mournful music, drawings, statues etc. have come down to us today. Tharakayano takes a new form of depicting the Passion of Jesus. Happy blending of music and dance to perform the passion of Jesus is effectively brought on to the stage. The creativity in the presentation of it is amazing. I congratulate the Director and the cast of the Tharakayano for their contribution to this Christian culture of performing of the Passion of Jesus. Since the Passion, Death and Resurrection occupy a central place in our faith, in this Year of Mercy what we perform and witness is an act of God’s Mercy and forgiveness. Through the instrumentality of human artists what Jesus showers upon us is that spiritual blessing and healing. In the history of the Passion Play Oberammergau is also unique in that sense. In 1632 when the European countries experienced the deadly decease called Black Death and people of Oberammergau made a vow to God to protect them from Black Death and as fulfilling of the vow to perform the Passion of Jesus. It has miraculously healed them all. Performing of the Passion of Jesus is not merely a stage drama but part of our faith and prayer to God that through this pious exercise all those who are involved and witness the play will experience God’s healing and blessing. This sort of ballet form of Passion Play demands so much of sacrifice and hard work. May God the Father of Jesus Christ abundantly bless them all. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to the world” God bless you,

Fr. Anthony Fernandopulle,

Episcopal Vicar for Colombo South Region.


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